Drink and Drug Driving: Reform the UK's Quirky and Dated System

Summary Drink and drug driving are on the rise and so are related fatalities and injuries. Other than increasing police budgets to ensure there are sufficient roads policing officers, the government can make many legislative and policy changes to ensure that the upwards trend is reversed. Rather than burying their heads in the sand by falsely saying it is focussing on better enforcement of the current law, the government should: Make drink and drug driving laws apply to all vehicles Give police powers to administer preliminary tests on any driver on a road or public place Introduce better roadside breath testing devices Introduce better preliminary drug testing devices Lower the drink-drive limit - there's plenty of evidence and public backing supporting this Strengthen legislation for failing to provide or cooperate with testing Introduce faster and tougher, tier-based minimum disqualification periods Introduce mandatory new courses and tough penalties to rehabilitate...