Using or holding a phone while driving doesn't always earn you 6 points...and it's an atrocity for road safety

Summary The current legislation against using a phone while driving is wholly unfit for purpose. Police should no longer have to prove that a driver was using the phone for an interactive communication function. Mobile phone legislation should be amended so that merely holding the phone or any other kind of distracting device attracts the same Fixed Penalty of £200 and 6 points. The exact use to which the phone or device was being put should no longer be a point to prove for the police and should not result in a differentiation of penalty. This will open the door to more efficient and robust enforcement by the police and upcoming automated static camera detection systems to root out the highly dangerous smartphone epidemic many a British driver seems to be affected by. A High Court judgement on this legislation has confirmed that the law is indeed inadequate, where a driver was prosecuted for using his phone to photograph the scene of a collision while driving was acquitted (DPP v B...