The speeding penalty system is both disproportionately harsh and unfairly lenient - it needs an overhaul

Summary The Government and the Department for Transport should completely overhaul the legislation surrounding speeding offences. A framework similar to the one I set out in Table 2 (image below) should be adopted. Different severities of speeding should attract different types of (fixed) penalties, with differing ranges of penalty points, disqualification and maximum fines. Minor speeding offences should not be penalised as harshly as they are now. The more serious speeding offences should carry higher maximum penalties and obligatory disqualification terms. It should be made it clear in law when speeding becomes dangerous driving. Police should be given on-the-spot powers to seize vehicles for the more serious speeding offences to provide a highly effective, immediate deterrent, similar to insurance and driving licence offences. Table 2: Introduction Following up on my post about National Speed Limits being unfit for purpose , this post examines the current speeding ...